Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lowongan Pertamina Persero

PERTAMINA is a State Owned oil & gas company (National Oil Company), established on December 10, 1957 under the name PT PERMINA. In 1961 the company changed its name to PN PERMINA and after the merger with PN PERTAMIN in 1968 it became PN PERTAMINA. With the enactment of Law 8 of 1971 the company became PERTAMINA. This name persisted until after PERTAMINA changed its legal status to PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) on October 9, 2003.

PERTAMINA’s scope of business incorporates the upstream and downstream sectors. The upstream sector covers oil, gas and geothermal energy exploration and production both domestically and overseas. The foregoing is pursued through own operations and through partnerships in the form of joint operations with JOBs (Joint Operating Bodies), TACs (Technical Assistance Contracts) and JOCs (Joint Operating Contracts), whereas the downstream sector includes processing, marketing, trading and shipping. Commodities produced range from Fuel (BBM) and Non Fuel (Non BBM), LPG, LNG, petrochemicals to Lube Base oil.

With the enactment of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 of 2001 on November 23, 2001 relating to Oil and Gas, Law No. 8 of 1971 relating to the State Oil and Gas Mining Company was declared void. In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 22 of 2001, PERTAMINA was transformed into a Public Liability Company (Persero) designated PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) under Government Regulation No. 31 of 2003. All existing PERTAMINA provisions including its structural organization, employment guidelines and procedures as well as other matters associated with its duties and responsibilities, unless such matters are in contravention of the said Government Regulation, are declared to continue in force until the Company provides otherwise.

PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) was established under Notarial Deed of Lanny Janis Ishak, SH No. 20 of September 17, 2003, and ratified by the Minister for Law & Human Rights under Decision No. C-24026 HT.01.01 on October 9, 2003. The above proceeded in accordance with the provisions set forth in Law No. 1 of 1995 relating to Limited Liability Companies, Government Regulation No. 12 of 1998 relating to Public Companies (Persero), and Government Regulation No. 45 of 2001 relating to Amendment to Government Regulation No. 12 of 1998.

Consistent with its deed of establishment, the objective of the PERSERO is to engage in oil and gas exploitation, domestically and overseas, as well as in other exploitation associated with or supporting oil and gas operations.

The objective of the Public Company is to:

1. Exploit profits based on the principle of effective and efficient PERSERO management.
2. Contribute toward improvement of economic conditions for the welfare and prosperity of the people.

In order to achieve the above aims and purposes, the Public Company engages in the following:
Oil and gas exploitation and the processed products and derivatives thereof.
Geothermal energy exploitation existing at the time the PERSERO was established, including Geothermal Power Plants (PLTP) in the final stages of negotiations and which the Perseroan has managed to gain possession of.
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exploitation and and other products generated by LNG refineries.
Other exploitation associated with or in support of the undertakings referred to in points above.

  1. Regional Geologist Specialist
  2. Production Lifting Specialist
  3. Analyst DSAV Technical Evaluation
  4. Analyst MEAV Technical Evaluation
  5. Analyst ERAV Commercial Evaluation
  6. Geophysics Non Seismic Specialist
  7. Method Development Specialist
  8. Electrical Specialist
  9. Data Processing ROP Specialist

bila anda berminat apply dibawah ini:


Lowongan BUMN: LKBN Antara

ANTARA has been officially serving as a National News Agency since 1962. It was declared as a public corporation in July, 2007. With 32 bureaus nationwide, a number of representative offices and correspondents abroad.

ANTARA news service on the web gives subscribers easy and comfortable access to all latest news with different categories around the clock everyday.
ANTARA news portal ( has been running since January, 1996, with a view to meet the public need in obtaining fast, accurate, comprehensive and advantageous information. The portal uses two languages (Indonesia and English) in order to give international community comprehensive and credible information on Indonesia currently.
With ANTARA’s good reputation in Asia and its global networks, the portal offers different pieces of information which have been serving as reference which can attract Internet end-users worldwide. With pageviews reaching 7 million a month and one third of visitors access the portal from foreign countries (see the table), the portal’s rank continues to increase according to
Advertisement in the ANTARA Portal
The ANTARA Portal offers different advantages to those who want to advertise their products in the portal.

  1. The good reputation of ANTARA as a credible
  2. news agency will uphold the image of the products and services offered by the advertisers.
  3. Different characteristics of the visitors
  4. from various countries in the world reflect potential markets for products and services offered by the advertisers.
  5. Affordable fees for the advertisement help the advertisers spare their promotion costs.
  6. Advertisement can be put at strategic positions to make visitors easy to see it.
  7. Advertisers can change materials of their advertisement twice in a month with the same sizes.
  8. Advertisers can know statistic data on the frequency of their advertisements and the number of visitors who hit the advertisement

Perum LKBN Antara membutuhkan beberapa tenaga untuk mengisi posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

  1. IT Support & Helpdesk
  2. Jakarta Raya


  • Usia Maksimal 25 Tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal Diploma 3 (D-3) Teknik Komputer/ Teknik Informatika/ Sistem Informasi, dengan IPK 2,75
  • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja di Lingkup IT minimal 1 Tahun
  • Menguasai berbagai operating sistem, troubleshoot hardware dan software.
  • Menguasai Jaringan Windows Server dan Linux Server, IP Routing Address dan Networking TCP/IP (Subneting, routing, DHCP, DNS, SMTP, SNMP, FTP)
  • Menguasai LAN/WAN/VPN Manajemen serta konsep jaringan Windows dan Linux Server
  • Memahami konsep jaringan (keamanan/firewall, VPN, Switching, Router, Wifi mikrotik/Cisco)
  • Memiliki sertifikasi sesuai dengan bidang keahlian seperti CCNA, Linux, dll.
  • Diutamakan Berdomisili di JABODETABEK

Kirim Surat Lamaran, Daftar Riwayat Hidup, Pas Foto (3 x 4), serta Fotokopi Ijazah dan Sertifikat ke :

Departemen SDM Perum LKBN Antara
Wisma Antara, Lantai 19
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 17
Jakarta 10110
E-mail ke :


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lowongan CPNS 2012 daftar Pemkab, Pemkot, dan pemprov

Ada 119 instansi yang mengusulkan permohonan CPNS untuk tahun 2012 ini. Untuk pusat sebanyak 59 instansi, daerah sebanyak 47, sehingga jumlahnya mencapai 76 ribu lebih. Pemda yang ditetapkan melakukan rekruitmen CPNS 2012

  1. Kab. Labuhan Batu Selatan
  2. Kota Sungai Penuh
  3. Kab. Banyuasin
  4. Kab. Musi Rawas
  5. Kab. Empat Lawang
  6. Kota Lubuk Linggau
  7. Kab. lebong
  8. Provinsi Bangka Belitung
  9. Kab. Bangka Barat
  10. Kab. Bangka Tengah
  11. Kab. Anambas
  12. Kab. Bogor
  13. Kota Bandung
  14. Prov. Kalimantan Tengah
  15. Provinsi Bali
  16. Kabupaten Badung
  17. Kota Balikpapan
  18. Kab. Tojo Una Una
  19. Kab. Manggarai Timur
  20. Kab. Tulang Bawang
  21. Prov. Jawa Timur
  22. Kota Surabaya – DITUNDA Tahun 2012
  23. Kota Sibolga
  24. Kab. Labuhan Batu Utara
  25. Kab. Kubu Raya

Sumber: Kementerian PAN & RB

Seleksi Tes akan dilaksanakan tanggal 8 September 2012 secara serentak, sehingga tidak ada peluang untuk mendaftar di 2 tempat sekaligus.

lowongan cpns bisa search di google


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lowongan Bank Kaltim

Bank BPD Kaltim is one of the Regional Companies (enterprises) owned by Provincial Government and Regency / City of East Kalimantan as the brainchild of Governor sebagal KDH Level I Kaltim Mr. A. Moeis Hasan established on October 14, 1965 based on the law.

Level I East Kalimantari Number: 03/PD164 dated 19 September 1964 which was approved by the Minister of the Interior 9 / I 0/8-45 dated April 1, 1965. Then the law. The changes in East Kalimantan Provincial Regulation No. 02 Year 2002 date of II February 2002 on the East Kalimantan Regional Development Banks, Regional Regulation No. 02 of 2006 dated 26 April 2006 concerning the First Amendment Regulation of the East Kalimantan Provincial Namor 02, 2002.

Bank BPD Kaltim as a commercial bank, having reached 41 years of age has been operating as a foreign exchange bank with the permission of BI Avg. 5/48/KERDGS/2003tanggal 13 November 2003, and also has business activities are based on Sharia Principles Permit and Operating Permit No. and Bank Indonesia. 8/5/DS/SmrTanggal 27 November
And No. 2006. 8/7/DS/SmrTanggal December 22, 2006.

The presence of BPD Kaltim Bank was founded with the intent and purpose is to assist and encourage economic growth & development in all sectors and regions sebagal one source of revenue in order to improve the standard of living so that the realization of a prosperous community of East Kalimantan.

Over time, Bank BPD Kaltim growing. A number of business sectors began ogled for cultivation. But the umbrella of existing law, limiting the space for the Bank BPD Kaltim to grow dynamically.

Anticipation was done the owner, the Provincial Government and Regency / City-East Kalimantan, which proposed re-amended Perda No. 02 of 2002 on Regional Development Bank Kaltim. April 26, 2006 was born the law No. 02 of 2006 on the First Amendment of East Kalimantan Provincial Regulation No. 02 of 2002 regarding the East Kalimantan Regional Development Banks.

With the latest legal basis regulation 02 Th 2006 No. BI accompanied by a letter. 5/48/KEP.DGS/2003 dated 13 November 2003, Bank BPD Kaltim improve its operational status of the Commercial Bank Foreign Exchange.

Furthermore, based on the Principles and Operational Permits Permit from Bank Indonesia BI Number stated in the letter: 8/5/DS/Smr 27 November 2006 and the letter BI Number: 8/7/DS/Smr dated December 22, 2006, the Bank conducts business BPD Kaltim Sharia is officially opened on December 27, 2006.

Bank Syariah Unit BPD Kaltim was named Bank BPD Kaltim Sharia, currently based in Jl. Jend. A Yani Samarinda.

BPD Kaltim adalah salah satu Perusahaan Daerah (BUMD) milik Pemerintah Provinsi dan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota se-Kaltim sebagal hasil buah pikiran Gubernur KDH Tingkat I Kaltim Bapak A. Moeis Hasan yang didirikan tanggal 14 Oktober 1965 berdasarkan Perda. Tingkat I Kalimantari Timur Nomor: 03/PD164 tanggal 19 September 1964 yang telah mendapat persetujuan Menteri Dalam Negeri No.9/I 0/8-45 tanggal 01 April 1965. Kemudian Perda. tersebut mengalami perubahan dalam Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Nomor 02 Tahun 2002 tanggai I I Pebruari 2002 tentang Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur, Peraturan Daerah Nomor 02 Tahun 2006 tanggal 26 April 2006 tentang Perubahan Pertama Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Namor 02 Tahun 2002.

Lowongan Kerja Bank Kaltim 2012

  1. Audit (AUDI)
  2. Administrasi (ADM)

Audit (AUDI)

  • Usia Maksimal 22 th
  • Pria / wanita
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi A 2.75
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi B 2.75
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi C 2.75
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi D 2.75

Administrasi (ADM)

  • Usia Maksimal 30
  • Jenis Kelamin Semua
  • Status Pernikahan Belum Menikah
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi A 2.75
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi B 3.00
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi C 3.25
  • IPK Minimal Akreditasi D 4.00

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Lowongan CPNS Kemdikbud 2012-2013

PENGUMUMAN NOMOR : 52440/A4/KP/2012 PENERIMAAN CPNS KEMDIKBUD TAHUN 2012 Dalam tahun anggaran 2012 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan akan mengangkat Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) untuk mengisi kebutuhan Dosen pada 73 Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di seluruh Indonesia.

Pengumuman lebih lanjut mengenai tata cara pendaftaran, jumlah dan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan serta jadwal pendaftaran dan seleksi dapat dilihat pada masing masing Perguruan Tinggi Negeri setempat atau melalui :

Pengumuman dapat diunduh pada lampiran di bawah ini:
Klik Disini

Persiapkan diri anda dengan : Latihan Soal CPNS

Untuk pendaftaran, direncanakan dilaksanakan secara online melalui laman :



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lowongan Bank DKI Jakarta

The Company was first established in Jakarta with the name "PT Djakarta Raya Regional Development Banks" as contained in Deed of Limited Liability Companies Regional Development Banks Djakarta Raya (PT Djakarta Raya Regional Development Banks) Regulation.

In order to conform with the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 Year 1962 on Basic Provisions of the Regional Development Banks, the Company changed the legal position and was transferred from the Regional Development Bank Limited Company Jakarta Raya became the Regional Development Bank DKI Jakarta based on Regional Regulation, Jakarta - DKI No. 6 / 1978 dated 21 August 1978 on the Jakarta Regional Development Banks (BPD Jaya), which was approved by the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decree No. Pem.10/87/1-858-sk. December 5, 1978 and promulgated in the Gazette of DKI Jakarta No. 12 of 1979 Series D No. 11 dated May 2, 1979 as well as the Regional Regulation No. 1 of 1993 dated January 15, 1993 by changing the authorized capital of Rp 50,000,000,000 to 300,000,000,000 at the date of May 5, 1999 and from the date of May 6th, 1999 transformed into a Limited Company with authorized capital amounting Rp700.000.000.000 .

The amendment was approved by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta through the Jakarta Provincial Regulation No. 1 / 1999 dated February 1, 1999 with the deed made by and before notary Harun Kamil, SH, No. 4 dated May 6, 1999 and was approved by the Minister of Justice by the Decree No. C-8270.HT.01.01.Th. 99 dated May 7, 1999. June 4, 1999, published in the State. 45, Supplement. 3283.

The scope of its activities is to conduct general banking activities. On November 30, 1992, the Bank obtained a license to conduct activities as a Foreign Exchange Bank by decree of the Board of Directors of Bank Indonesia. 25/67/KEP/DIR. In March 2004, the Bank commenced its operations based on sharia principles based on Bank Indonesia No.6/39/DpbS Letter, dated January 13, 2004 on the principles of sharia branch offices of Bank in its commercial activities.

Articles of Association have been amended several times, and most recently by Deed. 101 which is made by and before the Notary Ny Poerbaningsih Adi, SH, Notary in Jakarta on September 28, 2007 on Capital Increase Base became Rp1.500.000.000.000 and paid-in capital increase that was approved by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia under No. . C-04111.HT.01.04 of 2007 dated November 22, 2007.

Based on the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders April 26, 2010, Structure of the shareholders of Bank DKI today is 99.83% (Rp610.159.000.000) is owned by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, while 0.17% (Rp1.000.000.000) is owned by PD Pasar Jaya.

The consistency of growth performance to gain the trust of society through innovative banking products and services, improving service quality, implementation of corporate governance combined with improving the quality of human resources became the focus of Bank DKI who stood since 11 April 1961.

Vision to be the best and pride and mission as the bank's superior performance, strategic partner businesses, society and the mainstay of the city administration that adds value for stakeholders through an integrated and professional service begins with building a work culture that was unearthed from the values ​​of a positive internal in order to produce human resources that have a human capital based KTPPDKI behavior (commitment, teamwork, professional, service, discipline, hard work and integrity).

DKI Bank focuses its business on four main segments that provide opportunities for long-term sustainable growth, namely consumer banking, commercial banking and mortgage banking segment and SMEs, as well as Islamic banking.

Consumer banking segment provides Bank DKI niche market in the form of teachers more than 200,000 customers, the city administration officials who numbered more than 100,000 people in addition to continuous product development JakCard, among others as a means to pay Busway, pay cards on the network Indomaret, and later it can be used for payment of transport tickets in Electric Railway which connects Jakarta with its satellite cities. Looking ahead, JakCard will be used as a means of payment of all transportation modes as DKI-Jaya.

Bank DKI Jakarta is an Indonesian bank. The Bank was founded on April 30, 1961 and is headquartered in Central Jakarta. DKI Bank was founded with the intent and purpose to help and encourage economic growth and regional development in all fields as well as a source of local revenue in order to improve the standard of living. At the time of establishment, the shareholder is the local government of Jakarta as many as 200 shares and 50 shares owned by PT. Asuransi Jiwa Bumi Poetra 1912, with total paid up capital of Rp 2,500,000.00 (two million five hundred thousand rupiah).

On November 30, 1992, Bank DKI officially became Foreign Exchange Bank. In 1999, Bank DKI change of legal entity from the Regional Companies into Limited Liability Company.

In order to ensure sustained growth, Bank DKI continues to strengthen its corporate governance, including the internal control structure and risk management, and implementation of operating standards more uniform and transparent.

Lowongan Kerja Bank DKI Mei Juni 2012

Bank DKI memiliki komitmen untuk selalu membantu masyarakat Jakarta, mengundang putra putri serta para profesional muda di bidang perbankan yang memiliki kompetensi, semangat, integritas tinggi untuk bergabung dengan kami guna mewujudkan Bank DKI menjadi yang terbaik dan membanggakan, sebagai :

Bank DKI memiliki komitmen untuk selalu membantu masyarakat Jakarta, mengundang putra putri serta para profesional muda di bidang perbankan yang memiliki kompetensi, semangat, integritas tinggi untuk bergabung dengan kami guna mewujudkan Bank DKI menjadi yang terbaik dan membanggakan, sebagai :
Analis Kredit / Account Officer Konversional/Syariah (Kode: AK)

 untuk Konvensional /Syariah
Kulifikasi Khusus :
Pendidikan minimal S1.
IPK min 3.00
Usia Maksimal 30 tahun.
Belum menikah.

Kualifikasi Khusus :
Pendidikan Min D3, IPK minimal 2,5
Usia Maksimal 23 tahun.
Diutamakan Berpengalaman sebagai Teller.
Belum menikah.

Kualifikasi Umum
Pendidikan minimal S1, diutamakan dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka Jurusan : Akuntansi, Manajemen, Perbankan, Matematika, Statistika, Teknik Industri, Teknik Arsitektur, Teknik Sipil, Hukum, Ilmu Komputer, Komunikasi, Humas / Public
Berpenampilan menarik dan Berkepribadian baik.
Tinggi Badan : Wanita minimal 160 cm; Pria minimal 165 cm, dengan BeratBadan proporsional.
Customer oriented
Diutamakan domisili Jabodetabek.
Diutamakan memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (Lisan/Tulisan)
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Satuan Kerja PT. Bank DKI

Analis Kredit / Account Officer Konversional/Syariah (Kode: AK)

Kualifikasi Khusus :

  • Pendidikan minimal S1.
  • Usia Maksimal 30 tahun.
  • Memiliki Pengalaman di bidang Analisa Kredit/Pembiayaan Produktif (Korporasi & Retail) dan Memasarkan Kredit /Pembiayaan Produktif (Korporasi & Retail) untuk Kredit/Pembiayaan di Perbankan Konvensional atau Syariah minimal 3 tahun.
  • Tidak sedang menjalani Ikatan Dinas dengan instansi lain/perusahaan lain.
  • Tidak sedang menjalani sanksi hukuman dan/atau dalam masa pemeriksaan pihak berwajib.

Kualifikasi Umum
Berpenampilan menarik dan Berkepribadian baik.
Customer oriented
Diutamakan domisili Jabodetabek.
Diutamakan memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (Lisan/Tulisan)
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Satuan Kerja PT. Bank DKI

Kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas dapat mengirimkan email dalam format word/pdf dengan attachment maksimal 5 Megabyte (MB) melalui alamat email dengan mencantumkan subject kode lamaran ex : Teller/TL,Customer Service/CS, Administrasi/ADM) ke :
 Atau Surat lamaran lengkap (Lamaran, Curriculum Vitae, Fotocopy KTP, Pas Foto 4X6, Foto copy Ijasah Terakhir dan Transkrip Nilai) dengan kode lamaran pada sudut kiri atas amplop dapat ditujukan ke alamat :

Pemimpin Grup Sumber Daya Manusia
 PT.Bank DKI
 Jl. Ir.H Juanda III No. 7-9 Lt.4 Jakarta Pusat 10120

Lamaran paling lambat diterima 30 September 2012 (CS/Teller) dan 3 September 2012 (Analis Kredit).
 Hanya calon pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik (shortlist candidate) yang akan diikutsertakan dalam proses seleksi selanjutnya.

Download iklan lowongan 


Lowongan BUMN: Jamkrindo

Perusahaan Umum Jaminan Kredit Indonesia (PERUM JAMKRINDO) adalah BUMN yang bergerak di bidang usaha penjaminan kredit/pembiayaan bank dan non bank, mengundang putra/putri bangsa yang berintegritas dan berdedikasi tinggi guna mengikuti seleksi penerimaan Karyawan tahun 2012 sebagai berikut :

Posisi yang dibutuhkan :

  1. Staf Bagian Operasional (Account Officer/Analisa Kredit), Pengendalian Kredit
  2. Staff Bagian Umum
  3. Staf Bagian SDM
  4. Staff Bagian Keuangan/Akuntansi, Anggaran, Treasury/Investasi
  5. Staf Bagian Hukum
  6. Staf Satuan Pengawas Internal
  7. Staf Teknologi Informasi

Persyaratan Administrasi & Kualifikasi

  • WNI
  • Tidak pernah dinyatakan bersalah melakukan tindak kejahatan oleh Pengadilan
  • Usia maksimal 29 tahun
  • Jenis kemalim diprioritaskan Laki laki
  • Pendidikan S1
  • IPK min 2.75 (PTN) dan 3.00 (PTS Akreditasi A BAN-PT)
  • Jurusan : Studi pembangunan / Ilmu ekonomi, Manajemen, Akuntansi, Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Agrobisnis, Teknik Industri, Statistika, Ilmu Komputer (Teknik Informatika), Hukum
  • Dapat mengoperasikan Komputer (min MS Office)
  • Tidak mempunyai Suami/istri, kakak/adik (kandung maupun ipar), dan ayah/ibu yang pada saat ini berstatus sebagai karyawan Perum Jamkrindo
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh uni kerja Perum Jamkrindo

Lamaran melalui surat tertulis ditujukan kepada:

Kepala Divisi SDM dan Hukum Perum Jamkrindo
 Gedung Jamkrindo
 Jl. Angkasa Blok B-9, Kavling 6, Kotabaru Bandar kemayoran,
 Jakarta Pusat, 10610

atau melalui email ke :

Periode Penerimaan Lamaran
 Batas waktu penerimaan lamaran selambat-lambatnya tanggal 8 September 2012 (cap pos)

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan saudara mengklik link dibawah ini :

Hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Terima kasih atas partisipasinya dalam proses seleksi rekrutment PERUM JAMKRINDO


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lowongan Kerja BUMN : BULOG

Food is one of high priorities in national economic development. Historical facts show that the role of food remains strategic in economic, social, cultural and even political aspects. Therefore, it is obvious that developed countries are also the main food producers and the world's food market determinant as well. The importance of food aspect in Indonesia has been acknowledged since many years ago, and still remains important in the future to develop national food security.

Food plays an important role in fulfilling the basic need for human being, increasing quality of human resources, and developing national food security. It also stated in Food Law No. 7/1996 that the right of people to obtain safe and nutritious food is principally similar with the right to obtain adequate food and the right to be free from hunger.

Discussing food issues can not be separated from the role of rice as the staple food for Indonesian people. Rice is not only consumer good, but above all rice is strategic commodity, which constitutes the staple food of most Indonesia people (90 percents). About 63 percents of Indonesian households expend their income to food consumption, which 17 percents for grain. Rice itself contributes 56 percents calories and 49 percents proteins.

For more than 30 years Bulog has conducted assignments from the government to handle the staple food especially rice, in order to strengthen national food security. Bulog Management has not changed much over time, although there are differences in the duties and functions in various periods.
In order to carry out its duties and functions, legal status Bulog is a non-departmental government agencies (Officials) under Presidential Decree no. 39 of 1978. However, since the economic crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997 arising from a very strong pressure to drastically cut the government's role so that all national interests including food should be left entirely to market mechanisms. These pressures emerged mainly from developed countries especially the U.S. lenders and international financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank.

Logical consequences that must be accepted from such pressure is Bulog must change completely. Impetus for change comes not only from abroad, but also from within the country. First, changes in government food policy and pruning tasks and functions that are only allowed to handle Bulog rice commodities, removal of import monopolies such as that contained in several Presidential and SK Menperindag since 1998. RI Presidential last about Bulog, the Presidential Decree no. 103 of 2001 asserted that Bulog should switch its status to a state not later than May 2003. Second, the enactment of several new laws, especially Law. 5 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of monopolistic practices, and Law. 22 of 2000 on Regional Autonomy, which limit the authority of the central government and the abolition of vertical institutions. Third, the public wants Bulog free from elements that are contrary to the demands of reform, freedom from corruption and free from the influence of certain political parties, so that Bulog able to institute an efficient, effective, transparent and able to satisfactorily serve the public interest. Fourth, global economic changes that lead to market liberalization, particularly with the WTO that requires the removal of non-tariff barrier such as a tariff barrier monopoly and opening the domestic market. In the LoI signed by the governments of Indonesia and the IMF in 1998, specifically emphasized the need to change the legal status Bulog for an institution that is more efficient, transparent and accountable.

Due to the demands for change, Bulog has conducted various studies by both internal and external parties Bulog. First, the internal team Bulog in 1998 have reviewed the role of Bulog now and institute changes in the future. This is followed by a workshop activity in January 2000 involving Bulog and Dolog selindo in order to set the direction for the adjustment of the duties and functions that are then referred to as the "New Paradigm Bulog". Second, studies expert from the University of Indonesia (UI) in 1999 that analyzed the various forms of legal entity that can be selected by Bulog, namely LPND like now, or turned into a s, State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN), or Perum Perjan. Based on these studies suggest that Bulog choose Perum as a form of legal entity to perform two functions simultaneously, namely the public and commercial functions. Third, the study of international auditors Arthur Andersen in 1999 which has audited the level of operational efficiency Bulog. In particular, it is suggested Bulog refine organizational structure, and improve internal policies, systems, processes and controls in order to improve efficiency and minimize the occurrence of corruption in the future. Fourth, the study together with Bernas Malaysia in 2000 to see the various changes made by Malaysia and designing possible application in Indonesia. Fifth, the study of international consultants Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) in 2001 which has developed a corporate planning including the formulation of vision and mission and strategy Bulog, analyze core business and phase transformation Bulog institutions to turn into institutions Perum. Sixth, a fairly strong political support from members of Parliament, particularly the Commission III of the various hearings between Bulog with Commission III of the Parliament during the period 2000-2002.

Based on these results, the provisions of the Parliament and political support, it was concluded that the most appropriate legal status for Bulog is Perum. With the form Perum, Bulog still can carry out a public duty imposed by the government, especially in securing the base price of purchasing grain, rice distribution to the poor food insecurity, national stock of fertilizer for various public purposes for emergencies and other public interest in efforts to control price volatility . In addition, operational Bulog can contribute to the community as one of economic actors to carry out the business functions that are not contrary to law and rules of transparency. With this condition the motion Bulog institutions will be more flexible and results of its business activities can be partially used to support public task, given the more limited government funds in the future. With such conditions expected to change the status of the Perum Bulog can further increase the benefit to the public.

And in the end a new era had come, too, since January 20, 2003 Officials Bulog officially changed to Bulog in Government Regulation No. 7 of 2003 which was subsequently revised to Government Decree no. 61 of 2003. Launch Bulog was conducted in the National Archives Building in Jakarta on May 10, 2003.

Perusahaan Umum (Perum) Bulog currently opening career opportunities for Indonesian candidates who posses Bachelor (S1) degree to join our team and to become our future leaders. Please attend Program Rekrutmen Pegawai Perum Bulog Tahun 2011 with following term.

Program Studi S1

No Jurusan
1. Ekonomi Pertanian / Ilmu Ekonomi Pertanian / Sosek Pertanian / Ek. Sumber Daya
2. Agribisnis / Agrobisnis
3. HPT / Ilmu HPT / Proteksi Tanaman
4. Akuntansi
5. Manajemen Keuangan
6. Manajemen / Manajemen SDM / Manajemen Personalia
7. Studi Pembangunan / Ekonomi Pembangunan / Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan / Ilmu Ekonomi Pembangunan
8. Manajemen Pemasaran
9. Administrasi Niaga Perusahaan / Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis / Ilmu Administrasi Niaga
10. Administrasi Fiskal / Administrasi Perpajakan / Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal
11. Teknik Informatika / Ilmu Komputer
12. Manajemen Informatika / Sistem Informasi / Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer
13. Komputerisasi Akuntansi
14. Teknik Industri / Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
15. Manajemen Logistik / Manajemen Logistik dan Material
16. Komunikasi / Ilmu Komunikasi / Humas
17. Hukum / Ilmu Hukum
18. Biologi
19. Statistik / Statistika
Program Studi D3

No Jurusan
1. Akuntansi
2. Manajemen
3. Manajemen Keuangan / Adm Keuangan
4. Manajemen Pemasaran / Pemasaran
5. Administrasi Niaga Perusahaan / Adm. Bisnis
6. Administrasi Niaga Ketatausahaan / Adm. Perkantoran / Kesekretariatan / Sekretari
7. Administrasi Fiskal / Adm. Perpajakan / Manajemen Perpajakan
8. Manajemen Informatika/Sistem Informasi / Ilmu Komputer
9. Teknik Mesin
10. Manajemen Logistik / Manajemen Logistik dan Material
I. Persyaratan Umum

Laki- laki lebih diutamakan.
Belum Pernah Menikah.
Bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama proses seleksi maupun sebelum diangkat sebagai pegawai tetap.
Bersedia menerima penempatan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Tidak pernah terlibat, baik sebagai pemakai maupun pengedar bahan narkotika, obat-obatan terlarang dan/atau zat adiktif lainnya.
Bersedia tidak mengundurkan diri dari Perum BULOG sebelum mencapai masa kerja 3 (tiga) tahun atau bersedia mengembalikan biaya (denda) sebesar Rp. 50.000.000,- (lima puluh juta rupiah).
Berkelakuan baik, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK).
II. Persyaratan Khusus

Tingkat Pendidikan S1

Program studi yang terkait bidang tugas Perum BULOG
Fresh graduate maupun berpengalaman kerja dari lulusan perguruan tinggi dengan akreditasi minimal B.
Usia maksimal 30 tahun 0 bulan (per 1 Oktober 2012).
IPK minimal 2.75.
Skor TOEFL Prediction minimal 400 dari Lembaga Bahasa yang terpercaya (diserahkan pada saat wawancara).
Tingkat Pendidikan D3

Program studi yang terkait bidang tugas Perum BULOG
Fresh graduate maupun berpengalaman kerja dari lulusan perguruan tinggi dengan akreditasi minimal B.
Usia maksimal 25 tahun 0 bulan (per 1 Oktober 2012).
IPK minimal 2.75.
Proses Pendaftaran meliputi tahapan :

Registrasi Online untuk mendapatkan user ID.
Verifikasi Dokumen dan Seleksi Administrasi.
Registrasi Ulang dengan menunjukkan ijazah asli, transkrip asli dan KTP asli serta Kartu Peserta.
Proses seleksi diselenggarakan dengan sistem gugur setiap tahap, terdiri dari :

Tes Kemampuan Umum.
Tes Psikologi.
Tes Kesehatan.
Ketentuan umum rekrutmen :

Pelamar yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi harus memenuhi semua persyaratan dan disesuaikan dengan rasio kebutuhan (berdasarkan kandidat terbaik);
Semua berkas lamaran yang pernah dimasukkan/dikirimkan sebelum diterbitkannya pengumuman ini dianggap tidak berlaku dan yang bersangkutan wajib mengajukan lamaran kembali sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku pada pengumuman ini;
Peserta tidak dipungut biaya apapun selama mengikuti proses seleksi;
Semua yang berkaitan dengan proses seleksi diumumkan pada website ini;
Keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Pelaksanaan seleksi dilakukan di Delapan (8) Rayon :

  1. Medan
  2. Palembang
  3. DKI Jakarta
  4. Bandung
  5. Yogyakarta
  6. Surabaya
  7. Banjarmasin
  8. Makassar.

Untuk wilayah Papua, Maluku dan NTT akan dilakukan rekrutmen tersendiri

Catatan :

Pelamar/peserta seleksi yang lulus/memenuhi syarat dalam proses seleksi akan ditempatkan di salah satu unit kerja di seluruh wilayah Indonesia sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan sebagai proses On the Job Training.
Download File Latihan Tes soal BUMN: Klik Disini
Cara Melamar :

Silakan bagi yang berminat menjadi pegawai perum bulog mendaftar melalui laman :



Lowongan Kerja BUMN : Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

At first PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) which was originally known as the contractor dealing with the construction of Government projects, especially dams, now has a lot of building in other infrastructure namely: Road / Bridge, the Mini Hydro, Airport, and high rise building, as well as doing pioneering and develop projects based on EPC. Aligned with the competition in the domestic construction industry is very tight and to keep the remains a leading contractor in the construction field, PT Brantas Abipraya recently adopted the concept of "Sustainable Construction", through: waste minimization, energy saving, pollution minimization, recycling, respect stakeholders and the environment surrounding the project, and CSR

Now the company is known as reliable general contractor handling not only irrigation projects, but also has executed several big projects located throughout the country, i.e. big dams, tunnels, road and bridges, airfields, electric plants and many others.

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) invites the best candidates to join as following position

  1. Project Manager (PM)
  2. Site Manager (SM)
  3. Finance Manager (FM)
  4. Engineering Manager (EM)
  5. Chief Quality Assurance (CQA)
  6. Safety Coordinator (SC) & Safety Supervisor (SS)
  7. Drafter (CAD)
  8. Surveyor (SUV)
  9. HR Manager (HR)
  10. Internal Auditor (IA)
  11. Quality Control Staff (QC)

General Requirements

  1. Experienced min 3 years and 5 years (1, 2) in same positions
  2. S1 Civil Engineering (1, 2, 4), S1 Economic/Accounting/Law/Psichology/(3, 9, 10), D3/S1 Civil Engineering (5), D3/S1 all majors (6), SMK majoring in Building (7, 8, 11)
  3. Preferably fluent in English (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6)
  4. Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia

Should you interested and qualified, please submit your complete application follow with CV and recent photograph to email :

not later than 10 August 2012.
Write position code as your email subjects.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for selection process.


Lowongan Kerja BJB

The founding of Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat was backgrounded by the the rules of the government of Republic of Indonesia number 33 in the year of 1960 about company act of determining by the Dutch and has been nationalized was located in Bandung by the name of NV Denis (De erste Nederlandsche Indische Shareholding). The company was previously in mortgage bank. As the result of an act from government rules number 33 in the year of 1960 of West Java Government Province by Notary Public Noezar number 152 dated March 21st, 1961 and number 184 dated may 13th, 1961 and has been inaugurated with the letter of decision from the the governor of west java province number 7/GKDH/BPD/61 dated on May 205th, 1961, had founded PD Bank Karya Pembangunan with basic capital in the amount of Rp 2.500.000, 00

In order to support the vision accomplishment and bank bjb’s mission to become the 10 largest and to have a good performance in Indonesia, bank bjb, have done some changes, one of the change is the corporate’s culture. The corporate’s culture reflects the spirit of bank bjb, in facing bank’s competition which is getting tighter and dynamically. The corporate values has been formulated which is GO SPIRIT which comes from Service Excellence, Professionalism, Integrity, Trust which has already explain in the 14 main behaviors.

Based on the result of meeting of the share holder (RUPS-LB) PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dated July 3rd, 2007, along with the decision letter from Governor of Bank Indonesia number 9/63/KEP.GBI/2007 dated November 26, 2007, about the changes of business permit on behalf of the name PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat became business permit in the name of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten and with decision letter from board of directors number 1065/SK/DIR-PPN/2007 dated November 29th, 2007 therefore, the name of corporation has been changed to PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten with call name Bank Jabar Banten

Based on the result of meeting of the share holder (RUPS-LB) PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat & Banten number 26 dated April 21st, 2010, along with the letter from Bank Indonesia number 12/APBU/BD dated June 30th, 2010 in regards of the changes of logo with decision letter from board of directors number 1337/SK/DIR-PPN/2010 dated July 5th, 2010

Humans are the most important resource for achieving corporate vision and mission success. No matter how perfect the technology and marketing aspects, without human aspects it would be difficult for a corporate to achieve their objectives.

Calon Pegawai Bank

1. Maximum age 30 years
2. yet Menukah
3. Minimal S1 Department of Economics (Accounting, Management, Economic Development Studies), Law, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Informartika Engineering, Business Administration / Commerce, Communication sciences, International Relations and Psychology.
4. Minimal B Accreditation Programs
5. Gender Men
6. Minimum GPA of 2.75
7. General Qualifications:

  • Neat and Attractive appearance
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills Having a Good
  • Having a Strong Work Motivation and Dynamic
  • Can work individually and in teams
  • Willing to Work Area Bank Placed Throughout BJB
  • Having no family relationships (parents / brother / sister) with fellow BJB Bank Employees
  • Selection graduated administered by Bank BJB

8. Remuneration: As Applicable Provisions in the Grade 1 BJB Bank with Employees During the Period Prospective 2-year-old
9. Retirement: Retirement is at age 36 years.

Please submit your complete application to :

Click Here

and then send your application to :

Gedung Pusat UGM Lantai 3 Sayap Selatan
Bulak Sumur Yogyakarta 55281

